description: Compressed
sensing is a new sampling/data acquisition theory
asserting that one can exploit sparsity or
compressibility when acquiring signals of general
interest, and that one can design nonadaptive sampling
techniques that condense the information in a
compressible signal into a small amount of data. This
fact may change the way engineers think about signal
acquisition in areas ranging from analog-to-digital
conversion, digital optics, magnetic resonance imaging,
and seismics. The discoveries made in this field inform
a number of statistical problems related to parameter
estimation in high dimensions, and problems having to do
with the recovery of large data matrices from incomplete
sets of entries (the famous Netflix Prize).
Course covers 1) fundamental theoretical and mathematical ideas 2)
efficient numerical methods in large-scale convex
optimization for reconstructing signals and images from
compressive samples 3) progress in implementing
compressive sensing ideas into acquisition devices. The
course will emphasize the many connections with
information theory, statistics, and probability theory.
Course objectives: This is a
seminar-style course with the following goals:
- to present the basic theory and ideas showing when it is possible
to reconstruct sparse or nearly sparse signals from undersampled
- to expose students to recent ideas in modern convex optimization
allowing rapid signal recovery or parameter estimation
- to give students a sense of real applications that might benefit
from compressive sensing ideas
The overarching theme is to expose students to a novel active field
of research and give them the tools to make theoretical and/or practical contributions.
Prerequisite: Familiarity
with the following subjects:
- probability theory, and especially ideas from large
deviations theory
- statistical estimation, model selection, and especially ideas
from decision theory
- linear algebra
- basic convex analysis and optimization
- Sparsity
- L1 minimization
- Probabilistic approach to compressed sensing
- Deterministic approach to compressed sensing
- Robustness vis a vis noise
- Sparse regression
- Smooth convex optimization: optimal first-order methods
(Nesterov's algorithm), complexity analysis
- Nonsmooth convex optimization: smooth
approximations of nonsmooth functions, prox-functions,
Nesterov's algorithm
- Mirror-descent algorithms
- Applications in magnetic resonance imaging (MRI)
- Applications in analog-to-digital conversion
- Low-rank matrix recovery
- Nuclear-norm minimization
Textbooks: There is no
required text but the following titles may prove
- Probability and Random Processes by G. Grimmett and D. Stirzaker,
3rd. ed., Oxford University Press
- Random Matrices by M. Mehta, 3rd ed., New York: Academic
- Function Estimation and Gaussian Sequence Models by I. Johnstone
Chapter 13
- All of Statistics by L. Wasserman, Springer
- Numerical Linear Algebra by LLoyd N. Trefethen and David Bau,
- Convex Optimization by S. Boyd and L. Vandenberghe, Cambridge
University Press
- Introductory Lectures on Convex Optimization: A Basic Course by
Y. Nesterov, Kluwer Academic Publisher
- A Wavelet Tour of Signal Processing by S. Mallat, 3rd ed.,
Academic Press
- Discrete Time Signal Processing by A. Oppenheim and R. Schafer,
Prentice Hall
All handouts will be posted online.
Course assistant and office hours:
Xiaodong Li () MW 2-3 ( (Building 380, room 380-T)
Yaniv Plan () T 2:15-3:45 (Building 380, room 383H2)
Homework assignments account for 100% of the final
grade. There will be a maximum of three problem sets. Late
homeworks will NOT be accepted for grading (medical
emergencies excepted with proof). It is encouraged to
discuss the problem sets with others, but everyone needs
to turn in a unique personal write-up.
Course policies:
Use of sources (people, books, internet and so on)
without citing them in homework sets results in failing
grade for course.